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Advisory Board

Kneipe Setlhare


Kneipe is a mining engineer with over 18 years of experience in mining operations management for both private and public companies. He was recently Executive Country Manager since March 2017 at Giyani Metals Corp, and is currently Country Director and President of Premium Nickel Resources based in their Gaborone Office.

Ibrahim Moussa-Gros


Ibrahim holds a master degree in economics from the university of Arkansas. He has worked for Sopamin, a state-owned company that manages Niger’s mineral resources. During his career Ibrahim has worked closely with Cameco, AREVA, Kazatomprom, Rio Tinto, and BHP.

Mompati Prof Same BSc


Mompati holds a BSc in Geology and has over 15 years in both resource exploration and mining production environment with a focus on base metals, precious metals and uranium. He has robust operational experience in design and implementation of exploration data collection process such as soil sampling programs and RC & Core drilling. He has worked with geophysics and geochemistry data for target generation in areas characterized by thick sand covers, and has held senior roles in projects that lead to discoveries within the Ghanzi-Chobe copper belt.